Submission Information
If you want to contribute to the conference you have three different opportunities:
- Abstract for the poster session or oral presentation
- Contribution as an organized special topic section
- Teaching & Training workshop
You can select the type of your contribution in the submission form. It is possible to submit multiple abstracts for each contribution type. But there is a general limit of two contributions for the abstracts of the poster / oral sessions and one contribution for the special topic and one for the teaching and training workshop.
Submission Ideas and Opinions Deadline: 15 November 2019
How to submit your contribution:
Step 1: Create a new account at “Submission Information” -> Submission.
Step 2: Go to your authors account page (the link is included in the account e-mail) and add your contribution.
Step 3: Fill in the contribution form and upload your abstract. Please use the provided abstract templates.
RT-FIN International Conference
Marie-Thérèse Moersrtfin2019@maastrichtuniversity.nl
RT-FIN International ConferenceRT-FIN International Conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Scientific Program, MECC, Maastricht Scientific Program, MECC, Maastricht Forum 100 6229 GV Maastricht Netherlands