Special Topics
- From causality to enhancement – different methods for different goals?
- Introduction and overview of the special topic (Michal Ramot)
- Using real-time reading of neural states to optimize stimuli (Megan Debettencourt)
- A reward based closed-loop system designed to modify mood (Hanna Keren)
- Covert neurofeedback and the study of causality (Michal Ramot)
- New methodological developments in the field of real-time fMRI Applications
- Recurrent quality assessment for real-time fMRI using OpenNFT (Yury Koush)
- Hyperscanning in real-time fMRI Neurofeedback applications (Mikhail Zvyagintsev)
- Advanced virtual environment based real-time fMRI neurofeedback using multiband multiecho acquisition (Halim Baqapuri)
- How to hit a moving target: What the developing brain can tell us about target selection in real-time fMRI-based neurofeedback
- fMRI-NF of right inferior frontal cortex in ADHD adolescents (Katya Rubia)
- Functional connectivity-based NF of emotion regulation networks in adolescence (Kathrin Cohen Kadosh)
- fMRI NF of mid-temporal limbic structures in depressed adolescents (Karina Quevedo)
- Individualized RT fMRI-NF in adolescents with aggressive behaviour (Sarah Baumeister)
- Process-based Framework for Neurofeedback Interventions – Towards Precise Neuromodulation in Psychiatry
- The process-based framework – Theoretical background: opposing psychiatric accounts of mental disorders; rationale and goals of the process-based framework (Talma Hendler)
- Process-based mechanistic neural targeting – The feasibility and efficacy of modulating complex network/distributed patterns indices in fMRI neurofeedback (Aurelio Cortese)
- Process-specific feedback interfaces – The pros and cons of using virtual and augmented reality technologies in NF for the incorporation of process-specific multimodal stimuli (Miguel Castello-Branco)
- Dissociating general and target processes in NF – A critical discussion on NF methodology from a process-based perspective, and the presentation of processbased inspired experimental designs and a new control condition for determining specificity of NF clinical effects (Nitzan Lubianiker)
- Neuromodulation of altered brain activation patterns in schizophrenia
- Neural targets for rt fMRI NF in schizophrenia – learning and clinical perspectives? (Renaud Jardri & Thomas Fovet)
- A double-blind rtfMRI neurofeedback study on auditory verbal hallucinations (Klaus Mathiak & Jana Zweerings)
- Neurocognitive basis of hallucination: Is there any therapeutic potential of rtfMRI NF? (Paul Allen & Sukhi Shergill)
- Promises and Challenges of Amygdala-Neurofeedback
- Introduction (Talma Hendler)
- Effectiveness of amygdala fMRI neurofeedback: an evaluation of the current evidence (Pavla Linhartová)
- Unidirectional rtfMRI amygdala neurofeedback training results in bidirectional control (Laurie Compère & Kymberly Young)
- Critical aspects to optimize amygdala neurofeedback protocols (Lydia Hellrung)
- Operant control and discrimination of deep brain activation with the amygdala-EFP (Christian Paret)
- Clinical trials and methodological considerations of neurofeedback: ADHD, PTSD and optimal performance in cognitive control
- Plastic Modulation of EEG and fMRI Resting-State Dynamics following Neurofeedback: A Randomized Clinical Trial in PTSD (Tomas Ros & Andrew Nicholson)
- From peak-performance to treatment: FM-theta neurofeedback in healthy and subclinical groups (Enriquez Geppert)
- Clinical trials and methodological considerations of neurofeedback: ADHD, PTSD and optimal performance in cognitive control (Martijn Arns)
RT-FIN International Conference
Marie-Thérèse Moersrtfin2019@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Marie-Thérèse Moersrtfin2019@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.rtfin2019.org/107020
RT-FIN International ConferenceRT-FIN International Conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Scientific Program, MECC, Maastricht Scientific Program, MECC, Maastricht Forum 100 6229 GV Maastricht Netherlands