Teaching & Training Workshop Proposal


The primary goal of the educational courses at rtFIN is to provide training and education possibilities to the community and especially to young researchers. Last year this was handled by workshops as part of the scientific part of the conference. This year the workshops are replaced by educational courses which are as well 1.5 hours long and will take place on Sunday. The courses won't be in parallel so that researchers can participate in all courses.

Educational course proposal format: 1-2 pages, 12 point font, 1” margins
Course Title:
Submitter information:
– Name
– Position
– Institution
– Email address

  • What methodology or tool would you like to introduce?
  • Why is this tool important for neurofeedback research?
  • What imaging modalities does this apply to?
  • Is this a commercially available product, potentially commercially available, or open source?
  • What is the proposed schedule of speaker(s)?

Deadline: July 31st 2019